To is AMIKOM'S first time as one of PMW'S coordinator (Wirausaha's College Student program) AMIKOM'S rayon arrange wirausaha's graduation. This graduation intent to motivate college student that berwirausaha and also college student in a general way, adding network and goodwill among college student that berwirausaha with attending relationship deep that graduation event and gives appreciation and experience to wirausaha's college student.
On saturday, 16th April 2011 graduation it happens and get places at spatial image 1 STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta's campus and bertepatan with Technopreneur's national seminar. This graduation happens up to 4 hour start to hit 08.00 WIB 12.00 WIB. This graduation followed by college students of a variety PTN and PTS what do be at Yogyakarta and presented by severally expects a guest invitation as KADIN'S chairman, chairman of kemahasiswaan's area college that its college student at graduation, delegation of DPR Yogyakarta's member, delegation from KOPERTIS region v and also delegation from Menkominfo economy area. See from positive flank with intent useful one, therefore this graduation is plotted continual and set arranged each 3 months once.
JAMAWI (Wirausaha's College Student network) also dilauching on that graduation, JAMAWI constitutes organization who will staff college students which berwirausaha and its organisational following this is as executor of wirausaha's graduation. III. Puket AMIKOM (Drs. Idris Purwanto,MM) expect that JAMAWI'S following becomes container for all college student wirausaha that ada. / REI
Source : www.amikom.ac.id